


market production of meat, achieved level of economic development, I-distance, cluster analysis


In the paper, the mutuality of the market production of beef, pigmeat, sheep meat and poultry meat and the achieved level of development of agriculture as per Serbias districts in the period from 2001 to 2016 are analyzed. The ranking of districts in Serbia is done by the I-distance method. Similarities are determined by cluster analysis method, while results are represented by a dendrogram. Belgrade District shows a deficit in the market production of all meats. In the three districts of Vojvodina Region, there is a deficit in sheep meat and in the two districts, there is a deficit in poultry meat. The three districts of Sumadija and Western Serbia Region, there is a deficit in the production of pigmeat and poultry meat. The Region of Southern and Eastern Serbia has a deficit in the production of poultry meat.


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How to Cite

Stevanovic, S. V., Knežević, G., & Kojic, N. (2018). MARKET PRODUCTION OF MEAT AS A FACTOR OF THE ACHIEVED LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF SERBIAN AGRICULTURE. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(4), 1411–1425.



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