
  • Simo Veljko Stevanovic Belgrade University, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Snezana M. Stevanovic Belgrade University, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade



Renewable energy sources, biomass, agricultural biomass, energy production, EU Regulations and Directives on RSE


The use of RESs reduces the emission of gases and hazardous materials into the atmosphere, which has an impact on the improvement of the quality of the environment. The use of biomass, especially that from municipal waste and agriculture, reduces the need for importing energy sources. Energy production from RES is a fast-growing economy branch employing a significant workforce.

Of 5.6 Mtoe of the total annual usable technical potential of the RES in Serbia, 1.96 Mtoe (i.e. 35%) is used up, whereas only 1.1 Mtoe (i.e. 32%) is used up of 3.4 Mtoe of the total biomass.

The paper is aimed at indicating the significance of the production of renewable energy from biomass, the available quantities, the structure and the advantages of using it in the future development of the energy sector. Some states, Serbia included, have prescribed stimuli to green energy kW delivered to power distribution enterprises.


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How to Cite

Stevanovic, S. V., & Stevanovic, S. M. (2022). BIOMASS AS A RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE . Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 69(1), 195–209.