
  • Nicolae ISTUDOR, PhD Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies , Faculty of Agri-Food and Environmental Economics, Bucuresti
  • Robert CHIRA PhD Student, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucuresti
  • Romeo CIOCAN PhD Student, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucuresti


agricultural associations, agricultural land merger, agricultural products competitiveness, economic size, viable farm, economic performance, food safety.


Given that our country has become since 2007 a full member of the European Union is necessary for the agrofood producers from our country to work towards compatibility, both with EU regulations and global challenges of the moment. The main problem of the agri-food sector in our country, in the process of European integration, is to ensure the competitiveness of Romanian agricultural products, able to face the strong competition that exists on the single European market and beyond. Among measures that need to be taken in order to ensure the competitiveness of Romanian agro-food products on the European Union market, the most important are: the organization of agricultural production, which involves the creation and strengthening of agricultural organizations of optimum size (sustainable), in order to achieve homogeneous products in terms of quality, and competitive in terms of quality and quantity as well as modernization, namely the distribution of agro-food products by improving and implementing a foundation for effective distribution. Creation and strengthening of agricultural organizations of optimum size (viable) can be achieved through a series of measures aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of Romanian agricultural products on European market and beyond, including effective measures on land like land merger that is considered one of the most important.


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How to Cite

ISTUDOR, N., CHIRA, R., & CIOCAN, R. (2012). EFFICIENT MEASURES FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND MERGER IN ROMANIA 15. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 59(Special nu), 15–22. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/629