
  • Veljko Radojevi?, PhD Hip-Azotara, Pančevo
  • Vuk Radojevi?, M.Sc. Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad
  • Gordana Vasojević Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad


ecology, sustainable development, economic instruments taxes, regulations


This paper aims to highlight the state intervention in environmental issues through application of the relevant regulations and economic instruments. The emphasis is on the connection between the economic relations and the environment. Through the adoption of the strategy of sustainable development (according to the Rio Declaration on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection) the state authorities should reinforce the use of economic instruments in financing the environment and providing the implementation of the basic principles of "sustainability", based on the application of the "polluter pays" and "user pays" principles. The application of the principles of sustainable development at the national, regional, local and company level means the application of economic instruments in the environmental field. Economic, market-based, planning and other instruments of environmental protection should be part of the global system of managing the environment and part of the production management (at the company level).


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How to Cite

Radojević, V., Radojević, V., & Vasojević, G. (2011). INTEGRATION OF ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(4), 681–697. Retrieved from

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