
  • Olja Munitlak-Ivanovi?, PhD Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade
  • Jovan Zubovi?, PhD Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade
  • Petar Miti?, PhD Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade



Concept of sustainable development, Green economy, socially responsible behaviour, environment, the Equator principles


In this paper authors review the issue of relationship between economy, society and environmental protection. This could not be done without the three sustainability principles being incorporated in the concept of sustainable development and later in the concept of green economy. Many defnitions of both concepts refer to the fact that these relationships are complex, as economic well-being and environmental protection cannot "reconcile" in the short run. The aim of green economy is to even economy, society and environment. Green fnance was developed within this new economic concept. One instrument of green fnance, i.e. socially responsible fnance is the Equator principles. This thesis shows the mechanism of action of fnancial institutions which accepted these new principles, but also points out disadvantages that must be removed over time so that these principles could have a positive impact on society and environment.


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How to Cite

Munitlak-Ivanović, O., Zubović, J., & Mitić, P. (2018). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN ECONOMY - EMPHASIS ON GREEN FINANCE AND BANKING. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(4), 1467–1482.



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