
  • David Jovovi?, PhD Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pristina - Kosovska Mitrovica, Lesak
  • Sandra Stojadinovi? Jovanovi?, PhD Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade
  • Boban Daši?, PhD High Economic School of Professional Studies Pec – Leposavic



agriculture, foreign direct investment, trade, Serbia.


The role and significance of agricultural products have been changing over time, both in the world trade and in global flows of foreign direct investments. The subject of analysis in this paper will be exactly those two areas, agricultural trade and agriculture financing through foreign direct investments. Foreign direct investments can contribute to agricultural performance in different ways, bringing a number of benefts and potential positive impacts. Therefore, the paper will analyse the flows and volumes of foreign direct investments in agriculture indicating whether there is potential for these benefits to be used. The aim of the paper is to investigate the agricultural trade flows and agricultural foreign direct investment flows and volumes of foreign direct investments used for agriculture financing in order to determine whether and to what extent they contribute to agricultural performance.


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How to Cite

Jovović, D., Stojadinović Jovanović, S., & Dašić, B. (2014). AGRICULTURAL TRADE AND FINANCING THROUGH FDI. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 61(2), 455–469.