
  • Jelena Petrovi?, PhD University of Niš, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
  • Bojan Krsti?, PhD University of Niš, Faculty of Economics
  • Tanja Staniši?, PhD University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja



wine, production, market, foreign exchange.


The purpose of this research is analysis and forecasting of the most important trends on the international wine market, as well as identifying opportunities for wine export from Serbia. The aim of the research is to analyse the movement of the wine production and trade on the international market by applying the appropriate methodology. The paper is structured in the following segments: 1) examining the impact of number of vines and yields per vine on the acheved volume of grape production in the Republic of Serbia in the observed period; 2) examining the competitive position of the Republic of Serbia on the international wine market; and 3) analysis of the value and structure of foreign trade of wine between the Republic of Serbia and other countries. Comparative analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis are used in the paper. The results of this paper indicate: 1) higher impact of yields per vine on the volume of grape production in relation to the impact of the number of vines on the volume of grape production; 2) increasing defcit of foreign trade of wine between Serbia and other world countries; and 3) that Serbia reduced coverage of import of wine by export of wine in the observed period.


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How to Cite

Petrović, J., Krstić, B., & Stanišić, T. (2015). ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION POTENTIAL AND COMPETITIVE POSITION OF SERBIA ON THE INTERNATIONAL WINE MARKET. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(3), 813–829.

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