
  • Zdravko Petrovi?, PhD , Faculty of Law, Novi Beograd
  • Vojislav Jovi?, PhD Faculty of Law, Novi Beograd
  • Dragan Manojlovi?, PhD Faculty of Law, Novi Beograd




ecological, animal protection, criminal code, sanction and offender.


The aim of this study was to investigate the application of scientifc methods of animal protection in the legal legislation of the Republic of Serbia, through assaults on the environment. Apart from the introductory defnition of the subject matter, normative developments of all legal norms protecting the animal rights have been described as well. From the results of the research which were obtained through the application of legal and dogmatic scientifc methods, content analysis, quantitative and qualitative description and correlation, it can be concluded on the grounds of several fndings as follows: contemporary legal theory and legislation of the Republic of Serbia do not deny the protection of animal rights; within the framework of codifcation of the Serbian substantive criminal law which was performed in 2005, the criminal and legal norms providing legal animal protection have not gain their importance yet, primarily since they are classifed under the environmental offences and not under an independent chapter of the criminal law which will be justifed. The fndings indicate that the loss of crime in the offences against life, physical integrity and welfare of animals make more than a half in the total number of criminal charges against the suspect charged with committing offences against animals.


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How to Cite

Petrović, Z., Jović, V., & Manojlović, D. (2018). ENVIRONMENT AND LEGAL PROTECTION OF ANIMALS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(1), 293–305. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1801293P

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