
  • Bojan Dimitrijević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade
  • Branka Bulatović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture,University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade, Republic of SerbiaBelgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Zoran Rajić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture
  • Gordana Paunić City Administration of the City of Belgrade, Secretariat for Finance



economic effects, production, brandy, apricot, family farm


In this paper the focus of the authors was on the economic performance of apricot brandy production, realized on a family farm. The aim of this research was to determine the economic profitability of apricot brandy production in years 2017, 2018 and 2019. The sources of data used for the preparation of this paper were the internal documents/ records of the family farm and the interviews conducted with family members. Contemporary scientific and professional literature relevant to the subject research was used as a theoretical basis. Several research methods were used in the paper, namely: observation method, content analysis, interview, descriptive method, calculation method, grouping method, and comparative method. The analysis showed that the production of apricot brandy on the family farm in the observed years was economically viable.


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How to Cite

Dimitrijević, B., Bulatović, B., Rajić, Z., & Paunić, G. (2022). ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF APRICOT BRANDY PRODUCTION ON A FAMILY FARM. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 69(2), 583–594.

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