


competitiveness, wineries, wine, exports, revealed comparative adventage


Wine production in the Republic of Serbia has a long tradition and potential for improvement, given the agro-climatic and other conditions. The aim of this paper is to analyze the competitiveness factors of wineries in the Republic of Serbia. The findings show that the wine industry is developing, but its’ competitiveness is at a relatively low level. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the wine sector, it is necessary to define and implement a strategy, which will include activities such as modernization of grape processing technology, new investments and investment in human resources, marketing, winemakers’ association and creating a stimulating business climate. Without state support, a significant increase in the competitiveness of wineries cannot be expected. Since interest in wine production has been recently growing, it is to be expected that the wine production, as well as its’ export will increase, thus achieving significantly greater economic effects.


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How to Cite

Prodanović, R. V., Ignjatijević, S. ., Vapa-Tankosić, J. ., Brkić, I. ., Škrbić, S. ., Gardašević, J. ., & Čavlin, M. . (2021). INFLUENCE OF RELEVANT FACTORS ON COMPETITIVENESS OF WINE SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA . Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 68(4), 911–928.



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