


municipalities, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, prediction


Discriminant analysis and logistic regressions were applied in this research for the purpose of analyzing the development of autonomous province (AP) Vojvodina local self-government units, which are classified as developed and underdeveloped. The aim of the study is to identify population economic and social characteristics as the one with the most influence on the existence of differences between the observed categories of local self-government units. Based on the results of the discriminatory analysis, number of employed inhabitants per 1,000 inhabitants and number of highly educated inhabitants per 1000 inhabitants were found to have the greatest influence on the development of the local self-government unit, while based on logistic regression results, number of employed inhabitants per 1000 inhabitants and natural increase are the most influential factors. Both models have good data classification power, the discriminant analysis model successfully classifies 90.9% of all cases, and the logistic regression model successfully classifies 88.6% of cases.


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How to Cite

Tekić, D., Mutavdžić, B., Novaković, T., & Pokuševski, M. (2020). ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT UNITS IN VOJVODINA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 67(2), 431–443.



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