



consumer ethnocentrism, consumers, foodstuffs, Serbia


The objective of this study was to examine the actors and the activities of the actors influencing consumer ethnocentrism in the consumption of domestic foodstuffs in Serbia. To do this, the items of the modified Consumer Ethnocentric Tendencies Scale were used as the framework for the focus-group interview. The two basic questions were 1) who (which actors) and 2) what (which activities) should actors take in order to encourage consumer ethnocentrism. The findings have interesting implications for actors with respect to marketing activities. The results show that governments, schools, producers, retailers, the media and consumers need to promote ethnocentrism in Serbia. There are two basic conclusions with the recommendations for actors activities in order to encourage ethnocentrism: first, consumer behavior influencing the profit of companies and the gross domestic product of Serbia and second, all other actors can influence the consumer awareness of the importance of ethnocentric behavior in consumption.


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How to Cite

Rakic, M., Rakic, B., & Stanojevic, L. (2019). ENCOURAGING CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM IN THE FUNCTION OF DOMESTIC FOODSTUFFS CONSUMPTION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 66(2), 341–355. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1902341R



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