vegetables, consumption, export, prices, quality, EU-countries, Serbia and MontenegroAbstract
This paper, based on officially published statistical data (1999-2003) from the State Statistical Office of the Republic Macedonija, determines that more than 30 types of vegetable crops are cultivated in the country, on average of 62 649 ha which is 11.2% of the total cultivated area. The vegetable farmers on that area annually produce 701 358 tons in average. The Republic of Macedonia, in average exports 70 728 tons of fresh vegetables or 10.08% of the total production. The export, divided by products, ranges from 0.12%, for pepper up to 24.84%, for cabbage and cale. Different prices are achiered during the exporting, depending on the country of export. In this regard, for example, when exporting to Germany best prices are achiered (for tomato 650.92 US $/t, for carrots 457.97 US $/t, and for mashrooms 11 558.10 US $/t) and lowest when exporting to Bosnia and Hercegovina (for tomato 186.66 US $/t, for carrots 90.34 US $/t). Awterwards follow Serbia and Montenegro, France, etc.
From the "old" EU member-countries, our major export partner is Iraly, where the total export (anly for EU-countries) is 29.74%. But, if the current (2005) EU member-countries are taken into consideration, the Slovenia is at the top of the list with 32.17% from the total fresh vegetable exports.
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