
  • Dušan Ani?i?, PhD student Union - Nikola Tesla University
  • Miloje Obradovi?, PhD Commission for the Protection of Competitio, Belgrade
  • Svetlana Vukoti?, PhD University Business Academy - Novi Sad, Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance



competitiveness, agriculture, economic policy, Serbia


There is a tendency of increase and change in the structure of demand for the products from agricultural sector in the modern global environment. Such situation demands market orientation of agricultural producers, from business entities to individual agricultural holdings, in order to offer the appropriate response to the changes in the environment conditions and new market demands. The entrance and survival in the developed world market demand raising the competitiveness of agricultural sector which cannot be based on the low input prices alone (land, workforce), but the application of modern knowledge and innovation, that is, the synergistic effect of all the competition factors. For their part, the state and local governments should create an encouraging social and economic environment for agriculture and rural development, especially in undeveloped regions and areas of the Republic of Serbia. The undeniable agricultural potentials can significantly contribute to foreign trade balance improvement, public debt reduction, unemployment decrease and increase of the living standard of the population.


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How to Cite

Aničić, D., Obradović, M., & Vukotić, S. (2018). IMPACT OF ECONOMIC POLICY ON THE MANAGEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(1), 187–200.



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