
  • Branko Balj Faculty of Economics, Subotica
  • Koviljko Lovre Faculty of Economics, Subotica


Our contemporary time frame, based upon fundamental reasons stands witness that among practical human activities the primate is imbedded within Economics. Human economic activities, influenced by technical and technological developments lead towards the metaphysical synthesis of the unquestionable logic of capital. Thus emerges the need for interposition of business ethics in this contemporary logic of capital. That interposition is achieved through: moral maxims, moral standards and moral codex. However, in order for this to be conceptualized it is necessary to fundamentally define the concept itself, subjectmatter and the purpose of business ethics as a distinct branch of ethics belonging to the field of philosophy.

Business ethics explores the fundamental basis, sources and roots of moral values, as well as the criterions and instruments of moral judgments and ponderation within the business world in an effort to shad light on a meaning of developed solutions of moral dilemmas and conflicts that come about as a result of human activities in cooperation, and interaction with the other subjects of economic system.

Instruments of business ethics include: moral maxims and moral standards situated in codex of moral endeavor which influence human subjects to act in accordance with duties.

Application of ethical codex, and within it imbedded maxims and standards, is of essential importance for future productive positioning of agro-business corporations, with the special emphasis on international market operations. The drive towards the achievement of the fundamental minimum of food security, as well as towards the fulfillment of the ever increasing regulative standards and rules related to food safety and the preservation of living conditions are not a mire form of non-tariff protection of domestic producers, but are essentially a result of the concern of the macroeconomic decision-makers in relation to the future of the nation.


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How to Cite

Balj, B., & Lovre, K. (2006). ETHICAL STANDARDS IN CONTEMPORARY AGRO-BUSINESS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 53(2), 209–221. Retrieved from



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