
  • Stanislav Zekić Faculty of Economics, Subotica
  • Milivoj Gajić Faculty of Economics, Subotica
  • Đuro Trkulja Faculty of Economics, Subotica


Rural development, Agriculture, Agrarian policy in Serbia, European Union, the Common Agricultural Policy


The concept of the rural development in the European Union, a "second pillar" of the Common Agricultural Policy, represents a reaction to the modernization paradigm which was dominant in the development of agriculture during the past several decades of the XX century. The current state in EU society and economy impose neccessary redefinition of rural areas against urban areas position as well as agricultural role in the rural regions. According to aspiration of Serbia and Montenegro for integration to EU, formulation of the rural development model and policy in Serbia should be harmonized with the EU rural development model. During the accession to EU Serbia must create adequate policy of the rural development with the development support projects for defined rural areas. It is neccessary to create appropriate social and economic conditions in the rural zone, with respect to local specifics and to categorize the rural areas according to the EU model.


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How to Cite

Zekić, S., Gajić, M., & Trkulja, Đuro. (2006). THE POLICY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN SERBIA DURING THE ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 53(2), 141–152. Retrieved from



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