organic food, healthy life, SerbiaAbstract
The beginning of the 21st century has noted a change in the attitude of modern man towards health and the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, particular emphasis is placed on the importance of a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. The importance of nourishing nutrition and health-related issues has been recognized and raised on the state level. Thus, numerous national campaigns promote healthy nutrition aimed at improving the overall health of the nation. Health in general, as well as healthy eating habits, are today very important political and economic issues in developed countries. On the contrary, in underdeveloped countries, food shortage is not uncommon. The Republic of Serbia has high-quality and healthy food, but consumer awareness regarding this issue is insufficiently developed.
The aim of this paper is to determine the level of the consumption of organic foods by the student population and the awareness of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The research was conducted in the Danube Region within the Republic of Serbia.
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