
  • Gabriel Popescu, PhD Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics Bucharest
  • Victor Manole, PhD Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics Bucharest


Land resources, parcels, land ownership, land fusion


The economic theory recognizes the necessity of fusion, as an important action of agrarian policy, through which it should be realized the fusion of the land ownership in the peasant households, but in a legislative plan, there is no own disposition, which could norm it as it was done with the other actions which have in view the movement of the land ownership, as are buying, sale, leasing, association and cooperation.

From this reason, all efforts in the last period, made for the parcels fusion, have pertained exclusively to the farmers, and they were done through the actions mentioned above.

The land fusion, in a conceptual plan, legislative and practical, is presently approached in a diffuse manner, superficial, and, mostly timidly and distortedly. That is why, through this study, even it is synthetic, we are addressing ourselves to the professional readers, but especially to the deciders in the agrarian policy, in the goal of forming up a favorable opinion current, to energize the actions of coagulating the land ownerships in our agriculture

The agrarian policy, in an imperative formulation, must put into law, and at the same time, apply the fusion, which should have as finality the solving up of the land parceling problem in the peasant households, in a reasonable time period.


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How to Cite

Popescu, G., & Manole, V. (2010). HIGH VALORIFICATION OF LAND RESOURCES IN ROMANIAN AGRICULTURE THROUGH THE LAND PARCELS FUSION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(1), 25–33. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/1142



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