2011 Agricultural Census In Serbia – Strategic tool for boosting rural development programs


  • Crina Turtoi, PhD Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
  • Dragana Markovi?, PhD Head of Agricultural Statistics department, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
  • Camelia Gavrilescu, PhD Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest


Rural Development, Harmonized Statistical System, Agricultural Census, methodological principles, indicators.


The elaboration of strategic programs for the development of rural areas requires rigorous and comprehensive analysis accompanied by an increased demand for data, as an inherent support for this work. The objective of this paper is to bring into the attention of the academic community the particularities and the main concerns regarding the implementation of the 2011 Agricultural Census in the Republic of Serbia, as an answer to the endeavors for satisfying the data demands of the bodies involved in the use of agricultural statistics for analyzing the emerging issues in agriculture, especially those concerning environment and rural development. On the road of accession to European Union the role of agricultural statistics in the frame of the European Statistical System is a prerequisite for comparable information, indispensable to the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. Main methodological and organizational aspects regarding the next agricultural census are the main topics of this paper.


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1. Turtoi Crina, (2009): Role of agricultural census in the system of agricultural statistics of the EU Member States, presentation in the Opening Workshop : "Towards Agricultural Census 2011 in the Republic of Serbia", 25 September 2009, Belgrade, Serbia. http://www.serbiastatistics.rs/presentations.html
2. Eurostat, (2008) (EC) Regulation No 1166/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on farm structure surveys and the survey on agricultural production methods and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88.
3. European Commission, (2010) Hanbook on implementing the FSS and SAPM definitions - revision 8, Directorate Sectoral and Regional Statistics, Unit E-1, Eurostat Working group "Structure of agricultural holdings", CPSA/SB/652, rev. 8, Luxembourg, June 2010
4. FAO, (2007) A system of integrated agricultural censuses and surveys, Volume 1, World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010, FAO Statistical Development Series, No. 11, Rome.




How to Cite

Turtoi, C., Marković, D., & Gavrilescu, C. (2010). 2011 Agricultural Census In Serbia – Strategic tool for boosting rural development programs. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 618–625. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/1048