
  • Mirjana Kranjac, PhD University Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences
  • Jelena Vapa-Tankosic, PhD University Business Academy, Novi Sad
  • Milena Kneževi?, PhD University of Defence in Belgrade



organic food, consumer profle, socio-demographic characteristics, supply chain.


The aim of this study is to prove that profle of organic food consumers is dependent on their socio-demographic characteristics as well as to shape universal organic food consumer profle. The survey included 398 consumers in Serbia. Results indicate existence of typical consumers profle. The fndings could be generalized proving that socio-demographic profles in a larger population are strictly related to the decision to utilize organic food. The study fnally contributes to the stakeholders in general, since the knowledge of the attributes can help all of them to play more active role in this supply chain. It should stimulate the personalized approach to the particular groups of consumers based on sociodemographic characteristics in order to intensify consumption of organic food and to create different marketing plans dependent on the particular countries or areas.


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How to Cite

Kranjac, M., Vapa-Tankosic, J., & Knežević, M. (2017). PROFILE OF ORGANIC FOOD CONSUMERS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(2), 497–514.



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