
  • Nicola Galluzzo, PhD Director of Association of Geographic and Economic Studies in Rural Areas (ASGEAR), Rieti




Common Agricultural Policy, typologies of farming, allocative effciency, economic effciency, Italy.


Italian farms are characterized by modest plots of usable agricultural area scattered in many rural villages. The purpose of this analysis was to assess by a quantitative method technical, economic and allocative effciency in Italian farms over the time 2004- 2013 in function of different typologies of farms (TF) and their own farm productive specialization. Hence, the main question of the paper has been to estimate if the farms specialization in cultivating crops or in breeding livestock has influenced the efficiency of Italian farms. Findings have pointed out an important impact of fnancial subsidies allocated by the Common Agricultural Policy on the level of technical and economic effciency; outcomes have also emphasized as a cut in costs of some inputs such as fertilizers and crops protection is essential in increasing effciency in Italian farms.


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How to Cite

Galluzzo, N. (2017). EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS IN DIFFERENT TYPOLOGIES OF FARMING IN ITALIAN FADN DATASET. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(2), 451–465. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1702451G



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