



tourism, nature protection, sustainable tourism development


This research paper introduces results of research through analyses of a significant number of activities, aimed at preventing the negative impact of tourism in the area of its operating, observed through a selected number of exemplified managing system protections, in particular worlds natural sites, including the Republic of Serbia. Important models of protection are presented through numerous case studies, among which, especially observed, and noted in this research paper are: establishing site protection status on an international and local level, zoning of tourism and site carrying capacity. Taken into consideration, these models can give positive results by contributing the planning strategies of other countries or regions, including the Republic of Serbia. With regular monitoring, they are to bring constitution to novel or implement the existing measures of protection, aimed at promoting positive ecological and social long-term outcomes.


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How to Cite

Trišić, I., Štetić, S., & Krstić, V. (2018). POSSIBILITIES TO PREVENT NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(4), 1599–1614. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1804599T