The trade with agricultural products in WTO and possible influence on tourism


  • Pero Petrović Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade
  • Miroslav Antevski Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade
  • Aleksandar Živković Faculty of economics, Belgrade


Organization, agricultural products, development, trade, influence, tourism.


This paper points out to a necessity of coordination between institutional reforms and effcient economic cooperation. The current state of our economy and tourist activity points out to necessity of needed reform. There are many interactions between agriculture and tourism, i e those which stipulate and supplement. There is very signifcant an attempt that tourism and agricultural production become export activities in every Balkan country, as transitional economies. Among comparative conveniences of agricultural and tourist product for performance at the world market, the agricultural product can also place on internal market, through an accommodation and non-accommodation consumption of foreign tourists on domestic economic space. There is great signifcance of agricultural products as strategic products, which effected that they were granted by strong subsidies in almost every country. However, by forming WTO has been set up new, quite precise rules in international trade of these products. It imposes a need to force "export"of agricultural goods through foreign tourist consumption in the country. This paper aim is to show which effects would cause the acceptance of WTO rules in the feld of agricultural products trade, as well as how could stimulate the production and consumption through the accommodation and non-accommodation consumption by the tourists. The paper was made by using comparative, analytical method and a method of case analysis.


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How to Cite

Petrović, P., Antevski, M., & Živković, A. (2010). The trade with agricultural products in WTO and possible influence on tourism. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 325–332. Retrieved from

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