
  • Sonja Bandin Medical School "7. April", Novi Sad


youth, integration, social–economical processes, market, rural development


Rural youth is the most important carrier of the rural development. Crisis in the rural areas and agriculture, undeveloped economical processes and the bad social and cultural conditions make it almost impossible for the rural youth to participate in the social and economical life in their areas. Unemployment, poverty, undeveloped institutions and infrastructure and, as a result, the social exclusion of the rural youth, all are serious problems which have to be solved within the society and the state, using different measures and strategies. Youth should be motivated to develop more interest in the agriculture and rural life, stimulated and helped in their integration into ongoing social and economical processes.


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How to Cite

Bandin, S. (2011). POSSIBILITY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC INTEGRATION RURAL YOUTH IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(2), 205–223. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/698