bioeconomics, entropy, sustainable growthAbstract
Recently, a series of heterodox economic trends (bioeconomics, ecological economics, behavioral economics, neuroeconomics, etc ) have become more and more present in economics (even more, due to the coming and the development of the unprecedented economic crisis).
Moreover, the revival of the evolutionist economic science from the last two decades has brought a significant contribution to the theoretical development and an important interdisciplinary and/or cross disciplinary import.
The bioeconomic approach becomes necessary due to the worldwide ecological crisis which closely affects almost all the sectors of our industrial civilization.
Having the work of Nicolae Georgescu-Roegen, the father of the bioeconomic science, as guidelines, we consider that the Romanian economic science should focus more on the study of the opportunities offered by this new direction.
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11. Roegens scientifc works were written frst in the research program (meaning the concept of research programstandard of mainstream economics). Gradually, he detaches himself from it and develops a new radical approach - bio-economy – of the economic phenomena, drawing and gradually constitutes a new scientific research program, which changes the paradigm of economic thought and even puts the foundation to achieve a revolution in economics.