
  • Mariana Bran, PhD Professor, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Agri-Food and Environmental Economics, Bucuresti
  • Kolyo Vasilev, PhD Professor, The Plovdiv University of Agrobusiness and Rural Development
  • Bojidar Kolev, PhD PhD Senior lecturer, The Plovdiv University of Agrobusiness and Rural Development
  • Stefania Daniela Bran Student, The Bucharest University Politehnica


biodiversity, vegetal species, production, economy, agriculture


In the context of the current world crisis and the global climatic changes, Bulgarian agricultural and rural food economy is based on the sustainable preservation and management of natural resources and biodiversity in compliance with the European research field. Biodiversity as a complex interaction on Terra comprises living organisms and social and economic systems to which such is connected. In economic point of view are of significance cultivated species liable for the assurance of the necessary food to the population. The agricultural production is performed both traditionally and conventionally, in agricultural units of varied types. Such removed sugar-beet from the list of cultivated species due to the high level of production expenses for setting up and maintenance, the non-stimulating prices offered by processors, the dropping of the price on the world market and the cheap imports of unrefined raw sugar. The structure of cultures is dominated by cereals due to the economic interest manifested not only by small-size exploitations. Their technical outfit and high costs to assure the inputs influence the yields per hectare.


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1. Bran Mariana (2011), Raport privind efectuarea stagiului de pregatire in Bulgaria, in cadrul Scolii Postdoctorala de Biodiversitate Zootehnica şi Biotehnologii Alimentare, Institutul Naţional de Cercetări Economice "Costin C. Kiritescu" al Academiei Române - Centrul de Studii şi Cercetări pentru Biodiversitate Agrosilvică
2. Constantin, Florentina (2005), Privatizarea agriculturii in unele tari est-europene, Teza de doctorat, ASE Bucuresti
3. Kolev, B., (2004), Productia de legume in Bulgaria, EE&AE – International Scientifc Conference, Rousse, Bulgaria
4. * * * Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Agrostatistics Department, Date statistice
5. * * * Statistical Yearbook of Bulgaria 2010, pg. 298




How to Cite

Bran, M., Vasilev, K., Kolev, B., & Daniela Bran, S. (2012). VEGETAL AGROBIODIVERSITY IN THE ECONOMIC DYNAMICS OF BULGARIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 59(Special nu), 86–93. Retrieved from