
  • Jasmina Labudović-Stanković Faculty of Lav, University of Kragujevac
  • Nada Todorović Faculty of Lav, University of Kragujevac


crop insurance, subventions


The aim of the author of this paper is to familiarize readers with crop insurance in the EU and Serbia. A comparative method of research has been used and the paper presents types of crop insurance policies typical of the European continent. The paper points out the factors which affect the supply of this insurance and the demand for it. Since premium subsidy is one of the important features of this insurance a part of this paper relates to this issue. The crop insurance in Serbia is also presented here with the conclusion that the crop insurance coverage is very modest. Due to frequent changes of climate and natural disasters it is expected that in the future we will have a growing demand for crop insurance. The unfavorable economic situation, insufficient knowledge and lack of interest of farmers are the main reasons why is crop insurance in Serbia very modest and undeveloped. Because of the frequency of claims and their intensity, this image should be amended.


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How to Cite

Labudović-Stanković, J., & Todorović, N. (2011). CROP INSURANCE IN EU AND SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 58(4), 723–734. Retrieved from



Professional paper