
  • Dragan Vasiljevic, PhD Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade
  • Miroslav Stepanovi?, M.Sc. IDEA d.o.o
  • Oliver Manojlovi?, B.Sc. Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade


distribution strategy, cross doking performance factors, trading chain, case study, process improvement.


The research domain of this paper is food distribution improvement using the logistic concept of cross docking. The study purpose is to explore, analyse and demonstrate effects of cross docking implementing in business trading company and the factors influencing to implementation effectiveness, as well. The methodology used in the study includes the actual logistics and supply chain management literature review and the real-world study with the concept implementation. Thе main achieved results are that under defined circumstances cross docking can be suitable tool for food distribution improvement and valuable for the companys competitiveness increasing. The validity of the cross docking implementation is reflected in multiple (direct and indirect) benefits not only for the company, but also for the whole supply chain.


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How to Cite

Vasiljevic, D., Stepanović, M., & Manojlović, O. (2013). CROSS DOCKING IMPLEMENTATION IN DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD PRODUCTS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 60(1), 91–101. Retrieved from



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