
  • Kljaji? Nataša, PhD Institute of Agricultural Economics, Beograd
  • Predrag Vukovi?, M.Sc. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Beograd
  • Slavica Arsi?, M.Sc. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Beograd


raspberry, production, economic importance.


Raspberry for its biological characteristics, economic importance, agro-ecological, technological, organizational and other requirements, the market value of the product, as well as very high interdependence and interdependence between the various phases of reproductive cycle, specific fruit species. He is one of the most important types of berries in the world, and is one of the most profitable crops in the overall crop production. By production volume, Serbia is among the leading producers of raspberries, and its economic significance is very high level of market sells and market competitiveness of the European Union.

Accordingly, the paper presents the production season in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2000-2010 its average, minimum and maximum of values in production, changes in rates and coefficients of variation.


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How to Cite

Nataša, K., Vuković, P., & Arsić, S. (2013). TENDENCIES RELATED TO THE PRODUCTION OF RASPBERRIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 60(1), 39–48. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/507



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