
  • Goran Peri?, Ph.D. Student University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjci Spa
  • Marko Gašić Business School of Applied Studies, Blace
  • Marija Stojiljkovi?, M.Sc. Teacher of skills, Business School of Applied Studies, Blace
  • Ivana Nešić English language teacher, Business School of Applied Studies, Serbia, Blace



employee satisfaction, quality of service, tourist satisfaction, spa tourism


The quality of employees work in the tourism industry depends primarily on their job satisfaction. This has directed the subject of the research in this paper to examine the impact of employee satisfaction on tourist satisfaction with the services of spa tourism in the Republic of Serbia. Research was conducted using the survey method, the questionnaire technique, in Lukovska Spa, based on a sample of 125 respondents, of which 55 were employees and 70 tourists / guests in hotels "Jelak" and "Kopaonik". The most important fnding of the research is related to the correlation between the employee satisfaction and the tourist satisfaction with the quality of service in Lukovska Spa, which confrmed the hypothesis of the direct and positive impact of employee satisfaction on the tourist satisfaction with the quality of services. Employee satisfaction has a positive impact on the quality of the service, which directly affects the tourist satisfaction with the quality of the services provided.


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How to Cite

Perić, G., Gašić, M., Stojiljković, M., & Nešić, I. (2018). THE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION ON THE TOURIST SATISFACTION WITH THE SERVICES OF SPA TOURISM. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 65(2), 617–632.



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