
  • Economic of Agriculture


Jasmina Ćetković, Aleksandra Despotović, Miroslav Cimbaljević - Analyses of
organization and milk production economics on farms in Montenegro (vol. 59, pg. 9, 2012).
Summary: From the list of references of the above mentioned paper are deleted (by
Correction) all quotes entered by mistake during the paper writing.
Correction: From the above mentioned paper next incorrectly entered quotas are deleted
from the list of references:
1. Bulatović, B., Despotović, A., Jovanović, M. (2000): Izbor optimalne strukture
poljoprivredne proizvodnje sjevernog područja Crne Gore, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, br. 3-
4, str. 19-30, Beograd.
2. Drašković, B., Rajković, Z., Kostić, D. (2010): Proizvodnja mleka u Srbiji i položaj malih
farmera, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, br. 4, str. 529-542, Beograd.
3. Vukelić, N., Novković, N. (2009): Ekonomski rezultati proizvodnje mleka na krupnim
seljačkim gazdinstvima, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, br. 1, str. 99-110, Beograd.
Mistakes are made by rough oversight during the paper writing. Mistakes are discovered
during the creation of the Bibliometric report for the CEONs magazines for 2012. We
thank to the team of CEON for the warning.
Milutin Đorović, Simo Stevanović, Verica Lazić - The world and domestic markets for
tobacco and tobacco products (vol. 59, pg. 21, 2012).
Summary: From the list of references of the above mentioned paper are deleted (by
Correction) all quotes entered by mistake during the paper writing.
Correction: From the above mentioned paper next incorrectly entered quota is deleted from
the list of references:
1. Zornic, B., et al. (2003): Tobacco Production in the Models of the Development of the
Republics of Former Yugoslavia, Agricultural Economics, Ed. no. 1, Belgrade.
Mistake is made by rough oversight during the paper writing. Mistake is discovered during
the creation of the Bibliometric report for the CEONs magazines for 2012. We thank to the
team of CEON for the warning.


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How to Cite

Agriculture, E. of. (2018). CORRECTION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 60(3). Retrieved from