
  • Aleksandra Mitrovi?, M.Sc. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjačka Banja
  • Snežana Kneževi?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade
  • Milica Veličković Export Manager, Family dairy Veličković, Surdulica




fnancial analysis, fnancial ratio, family dairy, management, financial performance.


The subject of this paper is the evaluation of the fnancial analysis specifcs of the dairy enterprises with a focus on the implementation of the ratio analysis of financial statements. The ratio analysis is a central part of fnancial analysis, since it is based on investigating the relationship between logically related items in the fnancial statements to assess the fnancial position of the observed enterprise and its earning capacity. Speaking about the reporting of fnancial performance in family dairies, the basis is created for displaying techniques of fnancial analysis, with a special indication on the specifcs of their application in agricultural enterprises focusing on companies engaged in dairying. Applied in the paper is ratio analysis on the example of a dairy enterprise, i.e. a family dairy operating in Serbia. The ratio indicators are the basis for identifying relationships based on which by comparing the actual performance and certain business standards differences or variations are identifed.


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How to Cite

Mitrović, A., Knežević, S., & Veličković, M. (2015). RATIO ANALYSIS SPECIFICS OF THE FAMILY DAIRIES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(4), 1061–1078. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1504061M

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