
  • Isidora Ljumovi?, PhD Economic Institute, Belgrade
  • Biljana Viduka, M.Sc. Technical College of Applied Science, Zrenjanin
  • Janko M. Cvijanovi?, D.Sc. Economic Institute, Belgrade



Access to fnance, organic production, bank loan.


The aim of this paper is to identify the problems faced by organic producers when trying to access fnance in Serbia. Previous research and experience show that demand for fnancial services in the segment of organic producers is higher than the supply, and that neither commercial banks nor other fnancial institutions are willing or able to meet fnancial needs within the value chain. Due to such situation, agricultural producers are stuck in the "missing middle" segment which lacks funding sources. This study uses questionnaires designed specifcally to obtain farm-level data in order to evaluate the shortcomings of the farm credit system. The study shows that access to fnance is one of the biggest constraints faced by organic producers and that the existing mechanisms for agricultural funding are not adequate.


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How to Cite

Ljumović, I., Viduka, B., & Cvijanović, J. M. (2015). ACCESS TO FINANCE FOR ORGANIC PRODUCERS IN SERBIA: DEMAND SIDE. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 62(4), 989–1002.



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