
  • Ljiljana Jelenkovi?, M.Sc. Medical School "Dr Milenko Hadžić", Nis
  • Predrag Jelenkovi?, PhD University Union, Faculty of Legal and Business Studies "Dr Lazar Vrkatić"



economy, aromatic and medicinal herbs, essential oils, health and protection.


The economy in Serbia has not been working at its full capacity for a long time, which had left a great mark in economic stability of the country. The good side is that the environment pollution is less than in case of its full capacity. Therefore there shouldnt try to achieve the developed technologies at all costs, but it should orient to the utmost to agriculture and food production. Economically high developed countries pay a lot of attention to the healthy way of life and nutrition, and therefore the market, on which would sell the food products from Serbia, are with characteristic brand and undoubtable quality. Owing to the expressed trend for the healthy way of living, more and more people in high developed countries turn to aromatic and medicinal herbs which they use as spices, for therapeutic or medicinal purposes. Such trend shows also various industry branches, and they increasingly base their production on natural products. Hereof the aromatic and medicinal herbs start being more and more important economic resource of those countries which have them.


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How to Cite

Jelenković, L., & Jelenković, P. (2016). THE ECONOMIC POSSIBILITIES AND PERSPECTIVES OF AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL HERBS (SATUREJA KITAIBELII). Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 63(2), 375–388.



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