
  • Josip Juraćak University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Todor Marković University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Edward Majewski Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw
  • Danka Moravčikova Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Nitra, Slovakia
  • Željko Kokot Ph.D. student, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, Serbia



self-employment, students, international, planned behavior, structural equation modelling


In this study, we investigated the dependence of self employment intention (SEINT) level in agricultural students from Croatia, Poland, Slovakia and Serbia on selected personal traits and country macroeconomic indicators. The results show that the SEINT level depends on student’s perceived desirability of self-employment and perceived self-effcacy. Previous experience with entrepreneurship also affects SEINT. In terms of macroeconomic indicators, higher GDP per capita has been shown to have a positive effect on SEINT, while unfavorable conditions of starting a business have a negative impact.

Students from Novi Sad (Serbia) showed higher average SEINT level compared to students from Croatia (Zagreb) and Slovakia (Nitra).


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How to Cite

Juraćak, J. ., Marković, T., Majewski, E. ., Moravčikova , D. ., & Kokot, Željko. (2022). AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY ON FACTORS AFFECTING SELF- EMPLOYMENT INTENTIONS AMONG STUDENTS OF AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCES . Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 69(1), 91–106.



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