


labor market, employment, unemployment, rural areas, agriculture, state regulation


The research is aimed at typologizing the regions of Russia in terms of unemployment with a view to improving regional economic policy. The typology of regions was done using the method of groupings. This enabled the authors to distinguish between rural areas including the level of employment. The authors revealed that the major negative trend in the labor market was the decrease in the number of agriculture jobs, which caused the release of labor and the increased unemployment rates in rural areas. Grouping the regions based on the indicator of employment of the rural population in agricultural sector allowed the authors to identify three types of regions (with high, medium and low unemployment rates) for further use as a criterion for differentiating the state policy of regulating the labor market in rural areas (active and passive).


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How to Cite

Klimentova, E. A., Dubovitski, A. A., Yurina, E. A., Bayanduryan, G. L., & Agabekyan, R. L. (2021). REGIONAL FEATURES OF RURAL UNEMPLOYMENT IN RUSSIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 68(2), 357–374.



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