
  • Milan Rapaijć University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, Kragujevac
  • Sveto Puri?, Ph.D. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, Kragujevac
  • Sr?an Vladeti?, Ph.D. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, Kragujevac



Activities of the Energy Agency, renewable energy, biomass, bioethanol, Energy Law, Agricultural policy, legislative issues.


The authors of this paper have touched on two very important issues in Serbia, regarding the status of public agencies and the use of energy from renewable sources. Both issues have two sides - legal and economic, which are intertwined in the article. Public agencies operate in highly specialized areas of social life and have a wide range of different activities. That is the case with the activities of The Energy Agency, which should be the main promoter of the use of energy from renewable sources. For now, this independent regulatory body does not have the leading role and the paper proposes the extension of its jurisdiction. Due to the fact that Serbia is predominantly agricultural country, it has a real potential for energy production from renewable sources. These potentials are not used enough and the experience of other, highly industrialized countries in this area can be instructive in reaching measures in the feld of energy policy, especially if you take into account the context of European integration, which must not ignore the requirements of environmental protection, and in which the advantages of using energy from renewable sources is particularly reflected. This paper presents the application of descriptive, legal and comparative methods.


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How to Cite

Rapaijć, M., Purić, S., & Vladetić, S. (2016). THE ENERGY AGENCY AS A PART OF AGRICULTURAL POLICY -THE ACTIVITIES AND LEGISLATIVE ISSUES. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 63(1), 279–294.