
  • Aleksandar Majstorovi?, Ph.D. School of Economics and Management Studies, Kragujevac
  • Jova Miloradi?, Ph.D. University EDUCONS, Faculty of Business Economy, Novi Sad
  • Slobodan Andži?, Ph.D. ., Belgrade Business School, Belgrade
  • Rosa Andži?, Ph.D. Belgrade Business School, Belgrade
  • Goran Divac, M.A. Serbian glass factory, Paraćin
  • An?elka Ani?i?, Ph.D. Alfa University, Belgrade



accounting analysis; agribusiness company; fnancial statement positions; fnancial statements.


As a company is a living organism, its growth and development depends on the adequacy of planning, control and analytical procedures that are in use in all aspects of their own business. Under such conditions, the accounting analysis involves primarily adequate monitoring already included in the displayed information contained in the fnancial statements and in particular the analysis of data that are essential to the operation of any enterprise. Knowledge and the application of modern accounting analysis will give to the agribusiness company management a wide range of options in terms of uninterrupted growth and development of the agribusiness company in accordance with a pre-designed and presented vision and mission.


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How to Cite

Majstorović, A., Miloradić, J., Andžić, S., Andžić, R., Divac, G., & Aničić, A. (2018). LEGAL ASPECTS OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS IN AGRIBUSINESS COMPANIES IN SERBIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 63(4), 1379–1393.