


Accessible tourism, Wine tourism, Rural tourism, Agritourism, Accessibility of wineries to accessible tourism consumers


Accessible tourism denotes tourism offering equity and full participation to all categories of customers in tourism. The aim of the paper is to examine the attitudes of owners and managers of wineries in order to determine the influence of dependable variable related to "attitude to special needs citizens" on image and reputation of wineries which is measured through the following independent variables: district where a winery is located, the size of a winery and membership in a cluster. With this aim in mind in 2017 a survey was conducted on a sample of 81 wineries. One of the conclusions of the analysis shows the influence of a membership in a cluster or association on the attitude of wineries` owners and managers towards the importance of accessibility of wineries to accessible tourism consumers as an elements of the supply that is relevant for the image and reputation of a winery.


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How to Cite

Jevtic, J., Čerović, S., Jević, G. M., & Čavlin, M. (2019). ACCESSIBLE TOURISM AS THE FACTOR IN CREATING THE IMAGE OF SERBIAN WINERIES AS A SEGMENT OF AGRITOURISM SUPPLY. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 66(4), 1157–1171.