
  • B. Marinković Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad
  • J. Crnobarac Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad
  • M. Malešević Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad


Tillage, fertilization, maize, wheat, sugar beet, sunflowers, compaction


Physically, chemically, microbiological soil properties and mineral nutrition are key elements in plant cultivation technology. Yield of cultivated plants is dependent from many production factors. Yield will be defined by the production factor which was longer in the minimum. It can be human knowledge, or irresponsibility, or carelessness.

Soil compaction is affecting yield. On compacted soils sugar beet yield can decrease for 17.8 tha-1, and sugar yield for 2.09 tha-1. Maize yield decreasing can ranged from 354-2990 kgha-1, and wheat yield decreasing can be from 320-1850 kgha.1.Reason for this yield decreasing is lower soil water capacity ( to 228000lha-1) and lower microbiological soil activity ( 270 times).

Cultivation can improve these properties and increase yield. Optimal tillage depth for sugar beet is 30-35 cm, with sub soling. Three layer tillage yield can be increased for 10.2 tha-1in trial conditions, and root yield for 5.5 tha- 1 ,in production conditions. Soil tillage for sugar beet should be done in October. Previous or later tillage can decrease yield for 4.2 tha-1. Maize tillage should be at 25 cm-deeper tillage has no effect on yield increasing. Wheat tillage should be at 15 cm.

Fertilization is most important productive factor. Fertilization with P and K should be readjust to soil productivity, field yield potential, cultivar/hybrid potential, weather conditions of the year and destination of harvest residues.

When these elements are defined, planned yield and soil fertilization can be determined. Needed amounts of P and K and 30-60% nitrogen amount are necessary before primary tillage in autumn. Remaining nitrogen amounts for strna zita must be applied during the fertilization, and calculation should be based on M-min method. Yield height will be defined by nitrogen position per soil profile depth, and by winter precipitation reserve. Nitrogen for jare okopavine (excepting soybean) should be in 60-120 cm layer.


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How to Cite

Marinković, B., Crnobarac, J., & Malešević, M. (2005). AGROTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF SOIL CULTIVATION AND FERTILISATION OF CULTIVATED PLANTS. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 52(4), 455–481. Retrieved from



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