
  • Darko Marinković Megatrend University of Applied Sciences, Belgrade


Agroculture, Agrobusiness, human resources, education, social structure, social mobillity, flexibile employment


In the article, author first of all underline interdependence between human resources and state and perspectives of agriculture in each country, including transitional countries. But, on other side, there are not necessery level of consciousness about importance of developement of human resources and developement of modern agroculture based on market competetion.

Anyway, regardless of many obstacles, today ve have on global level process of trasformation from traditional agroculture production to modern market agrobusiness. Same process, but in specific forms we have today in countries of transition, including Serbia. Mentioned process has one of corner stones in one of most important characteristic of agroculture, same in contemporary and previous age – visible, open, dominant relationship between human been and nature.

State of human resources in agroculture is so far of satisfied, and worse in comparison with state of human resources in industry, and other parts of national economy. It is one of strongest obstacles and limitations for faster and more eficient developement of agrobusiness in Serbia. In same time, process of developement of human rosources in agroculture always have specific forms. One of most important differences is in the field of vertical and horisontal social mobility.

Finally, main question is – is possible to create and develop new social group – which will have all necesery capacities to bi social pillar of new concept and practice of agroculture in Serbia.


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How to Cite

Marinković, D. (2006). NEW SOCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND EDUCATION IN AGROBUSINES. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 53(3). Retrieved from



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