Serbian agriculture, sustainable development, European Union, ecological management, measures of ecological policyAbstract
Ecology function of Serbian agriculture will be more stressed because of its responsibilities in protection of natural resources in rural areas. Agro ecological analysis of potentials and limitations of sustainability, presents a base for achieving sustainable development.
It is necessary apply ecological standards including technological standards, natural resources performances standards, production and environmental standards for achieving sustainable growth of agriculture.
Important task of ecological management is achieving long term communication between agriculture and environment with eliminating ecological risks. Agricultural experts should have more important role in adjusting agricultural activities with sustainable development requests.
It is necessary consider advantages of different implementation strategies for achieving sustainable development of Serbian agriculture with respect European Union experience. In this case it will be possible, from initial improvements(using resources under their regeneration rate), and achieve active ecological improvements. Always should consider direct and indirect influence of measures of ecological policy(economics, tehnological, justice, educational).
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