
  • A. K. M. Kanak Pervez, PhD Dept. of Agronomy & Agricultural Extension, University of Rajshahi http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7413-9337
  • 2 Md. Ektear Uddin, PhD Dept. of Agricultural Extension & Rural Development, Patuakhali Science and Technology Uniersity, Dumki, Patuakhali
  • Ashfaq Ahmad Shah, PhD Development Studies Department, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (S3H), National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
  • Foyez Ahmed Prodhan, MSc Dept. of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur
  • Md. Mohiuddin Sheikh, MSc Dept. of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University




Defuzzification value, food security, fuzzy-Likert scale, hybridization, middleman


The primary concentration of this study was to assess the marketing risks faced by hybrid rice growers and explore the trajectories. With this notion, data were collected from randomly selected 300 hybrid rice growers in purposively chosen areas with the application of a structured interview schedule and conducting five focus group discussions with the farmers. The study identified seven key risks responsible for the poor marketing of hybrid rice in Bangladesh. Perceived marketing risks were assessed by farmers opinion on likelihood and severity of each risk source through using a fuzzy-Likert scale. According to the finding high fluctuation of hybrid rice price was the most serious risk in hybrid rice marketing in Bangladesh. The regression result found several socio-demographic factors of the farmers are significantly related with perceived risk. This study, therefore, suggests government taking pro policies for hybrid rice growers organized around farmers those socio-demographic characteristics for minimizing marketing risk.


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How to Cite

Pervez, A. K. M. K., Uddin, 2 M. E., Ahmad Shah, A., Ahmed Prodhan, F., & Sheikh, M. M. (2019). FUZZY-LIKERT SCALE BASED ASSESSMENT OF MARKETING RISK FACED BY THE HYBRID RICE GROWERS OF BANGLADESH. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 66(1), 9–22. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj1901009K



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