
  • Mile Peševski, PhD Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje
  • Dane Bosev, PhD Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje
  • Darko Šekerinov, MSc Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje


production costs, yields, production value, profit.


In this paper authors had done analysis of economic parameters in three variants of maize production. The first one (TI) is traditional way of production, where number of irrigation and water use for irrigation are based on free farmer choice. The second variant (FI) represents full irrigation, where maize was irrigated up to full field water capacity in depth of 1m. The third variant (DI50) is irrigation up to 50% from FI. They confirmed that for TI variant, average 10 868 m3/ha water is used by farmers, what means about 14 % more water use, compared with variant FI and 128 % more water use, compared with DI 50. Because of the fact that water saving is significant and water use is controlled, a high yield and better value of production was realized. According that, the farmers who will practice variants with controlled irrigation water usage, would have higher profit (average 13.5 indexes) of invested capital.



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How to Cite

Peševski, M., Bosev, D., & Šekerinov, D. (2007). ECONOMIC ANALIZE OF MAIZE PRODUCTION IN CONDITIONS OF DEFICIT IRRIGATION IN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 54(2), 171–179. Retrieved from

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