
  • Radovan Pešikan, MSc


optimization, planning, hierarchy relations, model building, prices


Linear programming represents a simple and efficient technique for the selection of production plans. However, classic wording of these programs, is not adjusted to the needs of managing, responsibility delegating according to hierarchy levels of organizational structure, or the need of relation-establishing between the parts and the whole. Question of adaptability of these programs is the special one for the problems arising out of shareholder relations. But, in order to achieve that, it is necessary to adjust the classical method of wording of linear programs to these new demands, and that is to be done in two directions: in the manner of model building and introducing the prices into the model description. Preparation of the Pig farm plan, first of all, has the task to show the effects of these changes and the width of their usability. Model building of the farm has been shown, firstly on the example of Pig-Fattening farm, and then on the example of Farrowing crates, and in the end on the example of the Food-mixing building, so that, by connecting all of them, we can get not only the plan of the farm, but the plan of every separate organizational unit. In contrast to the classical LP implementation, now, these plans, besides technological data, include also the financial results for the parts and the farm, too. In this paper, all of the previous mentioned is shown in the form of relations and their connecting, and the results are given in tables.


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How to Cite

Pešikan, R. (2009). PIG FARM - PLANNING AND OPTIMIZATION. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 56(3), 431–451. Retrieved from https://ea.bg.ac.rs/index.php/EA/article/view/1184



Professional paper