
  • Jelena V. Radovi? – Stojanovi?, PhD Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade
  • Dragana E. Gnjatovi?, PhD University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjacka Banja
  • Aleksandra T. Zecevi?, PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, Belgrade


agricultural statistics, statistical publications, agricultural census, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia


The aim of this paper is to explore the development of agricultural statistics in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1918-1941 period. Collecting statistical data on agriculture was a duty of the Ministry of Agriculture. The paper reveals how the Ministry performed this job, which data were collected and in which publications these data were published. The development of agricultural statistics has been analysed by applying historical method. Comparison with agricultural statistics of certain European countries has been made by applying comparative method. It has been concluded that agricultural statistics in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia recorded signifcant improvements during the interwar period: all relevant data were collected, international standards were met, and publications were modernized. As for the manner of conducting statistical research and presentation of statistical data, they were in the spirit of the time and responded to the achieved level of development of statistics in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.


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How to Cite

Radović – Stojanović, J. V., Gnjatović, D. E., & Zecević, A. T. (2017). DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS IN THE KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 64(2), 619–637. Retrieved from



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