The assessment of competitiveness of Polish food producers


  • Iwona Szczepaniak, PhD Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics – National Research Institute (IAFE-NRI) Warsaw
  • Miros?awa Tereszczuk, MA Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics – National Research Institute (IAFE-NRI) Warsaw


competitiveness, food producers, foreign trade, price advantages


The purpose of the work is an assessment of the impact of integration with the EU to the competitiveness of Polish producers of the food on the Community market, as well as on markets of the third countries. The competitiveness of Polish food producers in the study is understood as capacity of national food producers to be situated in foreign markets and the capability of developing the effective export. Polish food producers are competitive on the international market and the measures of the discussed competitiveness after the accession to the European Union have improved and the perspectives are good. The most competitive sectors of Polish food economy include meat sector, and fruit-vegetable, confectionery sector, secondary processing of cereals and manufacture of tobacco products. The so-far existing source of comparative advantages in food sector included frst of all lower prices and production costs. A significant role in revealing of the discussed advantaged was played by the adaptive processes of food sector to functioning in the market system and good adaptation of our producers to act of the Common European Market.


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How to Cite

Szczepaniak, I., & Tereszczuk, M. (2010). The assessment of competitiveness of Polish food producers. Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 57(Spec.num.2), 321–329. Retrieved from